- The pitcher makes his natural pitching motion but fails to pitch to home.
- The pitcher fakes a throw to first base, while touching the rubber, but fails to make the throw.
- The pitcher fails to step directly toward a base (45 degrees) before throwing to that base.
- The pitcher throws or fakes a throw to an UNOCCCUPIED base, except for the purpose of driving a runner back that is attempting to steal that base. This is an umpire judgement.
- The pitcher makes an illegal pitch
- The pitcher makes any motion naturally associated with the pitch while they are not touching the rubber.
- The pitcher fakes a pitch without the ball; it does not matter whether he is on the rubber or not.
- The pitcher, after coming to a legal pitching position, (usually set) removes one hand from the ball.
- The pitcher drops the ball while on the rubber
- The pitcher delivers from the set position without coming to a discernible stop. A change in direction is not a stop.
- The pitcher turns his shoulders toward first base after coming set.
These are some common ways to BALK a pitcher!